Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dia De Los Muertos

The dia de los muertos is celebrated in one, but two days spent in honor of the dead. The first day celebrates is infants and children who have died,and believed to have a special place in heaven. the second day is in honor of the adults that have passed away. it occur in on November the 1st and 2nd.the festivities are held in city market, houses, the plaza, cemeteries,etc. The Altars are decorated set on a table, and then it is wrapped with a tablecloth, white sheet or with perforated tissue paper, oaxacan mole,freshly seasoned,and pumpkin,pan de muerto,and etc. One may expence the cultural richness of the time by getting involved in the compasses, theatrical performances representing the return of the dead, which take place in various outliving villages.on the day of the dead family's give many offerings to the deceased. Family give endless medleys of regional fruits and toys for the baby's . They sit around the tombs and sing songs and praise their relatives.

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